

r² Diagnostics provides general purpose and specialty reagents for coagulation testing in either the core or the special coagulation laboratory.

The following table is a brief summary of our products. The table lists the catalog number, the product name, a brief description of each product, its kit configuration, and the number of tests per kit on a typical fully automated coagulation analyzer. The table assumes that 50 uL of patient sample or diluted patient sample per test is required for the PT, APTT, KCT, and Factor Assays, and 100 uL of sample for Fibrinogen, Thrombin Time, Detectin VL, and Correctin VL assays.  For semi-automated analyzers the volumes for plasma and reagents proscribed in the package insert should be used. For more information simply follow the hyperlinks to the individual product pages. Please contact us at 574-288-4377 or [email protected] for current pricing.

For more information simply follow the hyperlinks to the individual product pages. Please contact us at
888-727-2729 or [email protected] for current pricing.

Routine Reagents for coagulation testing

Catalog # Product Description Kit Configuration Typical # of Tests/Kit
11-305 Phosphoplastin RL Liquid Thromboplastin, ISI < 1.2, for Prothrombin Time assays 10 x 5 mL 500
21-405 Phospholin ES Ellagic acid APTT Reagent & 25 mM Calcium Chloride 5 x 5 mL each 500

Plasma Controls for coagulation testing

Catalog # Product Description Kit Configuration Typical # of Tests/Kit
30-201 PlasmaCon N Normal Control Plasma 10 x 1 mL 200
31-201 PlasmaCon L1 Mildly Abnormal Control Plasma 10 x 1 mL 200
32-201 PlasmaCon L2 Highly Abnormal Control Plasma 10 x 1 mL 200
150-201 PlasmaCon LA LA Positive Control Plasma for LA reagents 10 x 1 mL 200

Emicizumab Calibrator and Controls

Catalog # Product Description Kit Configuration Typical # of Tests/Kit
151-201 Emicizumab Calibrator Plasma Calibrator (100ug/mL Emicizumab) 5 x 1 mL N/A
152-401 Emicizumab Controls Plasma Controls, Level 1 (25ug/mL) Level 2 (75ug/mL) 5 x 1 mL each N/A

Immunodepleted Plasmas

Catalog # Product Description Kit Configuration Typical # of Tests/Kit
68-201 NoFact VIII Factor VIII Depleted Plasma 10 x 1 mL 200
69-201 NoFact IX Factor IX Depleted Plasma 10 x 1 mL 200

Thrombophilia Testing

Catalog # Product Description Kit Configuration Typical # of Tests/Kit
90-480 ThromboTek PSe Protein S assay (clotting assay) 80 – 160 Det 80

Lupus Anticoagulants and Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Catalog # Product Description Kit Configuration Typical # of Tests/Kit
85-202 LupoTek Detectin VL Venom Screening Assay for Lupus Anticoagulants 10 x 2 mL 200
86-201 LupoTek Correctin VL Venom Confirmatory Assay for Lupus Anticoagulants 10 x 1 mL 100
87-305 LupoTek KCT Screening Assay for Lupus Anticoagulants 5 x 5 mL 500

Fibrinogen Reagents

Catalog # Product Description Kit Configuration Typical # of Tests/Kit
70-410 FibroTek Fibrinogen kit Fibrinogen Kit (100 NIH units, Thrombin, human; Clauss method) 100-200 Det 200
50-201 T-Tek Thrombin Time reagent 10 x 1 mL 100

Chromogenic Assays

Catalog # Product Description Kit Configuration Typical # of Tests/Kit
200-4200 Anti IIa Heparin Kit Chromogenic 200 Det 200
201-4200 Anti Xa Heparin Kit Chromogenic 200 Det 200

*All Sales are final*